OKE PTA sponsors and leads a hands on science program for grades Kinder through 5th.
Eureka! is a parent led hands-on science enrichment program.
All classes are led by Eureka volunteers and experiments are assisted by parent volunteers.
All parents, grandparents and adult volunteers are welcome to join these classes and help our students as they learn and conduct fun experiments.
No sign up is required. Just show up 10 minutes before your child's scheduled time.
See schedule below for dates and time.
2nd grade's next Eureka falls on Jan. 29th which is a Challenge Day. 2nd grade students attending Challenge will attend Eureka at the following times:
On 1/29, Challenge students will attend Eureka following the schedule below.
12:55-1:40 Group 1 - Lollis, Bolin, Robins Challenge Kids (13)
2:30-3:15 Group 2 - Cotton, Hecker Challenge Kids (9)